The Light Side of Death

Photo by Hernan Pauccara on

For centuries we have been taught that death is something to be feared, it is the darkness, the end, the final curtain of life and like everything else in life there are two contrasting sides. There are many cultures that belief in the light of death, meaning they see the illumination and without fear they understand that death is another stage of life. I think about death, not from a place of fear but from a place of curiosity, do we, as spiritual beings, really die? When we die is it really the end of our time here on Earth?

The deeper I dive into this subject the more I believe that the answer to those questions is no. As I listen to my heart I feel an inner knowing that we are infinite beings and our time on Earth is but a moment in our entire journey. Through the study of Epi-genetics, and the Quantum Sciences we have learned that all living things are made up of energy molecules and that energy is infinite. If we are infinite beings and we do live forever then it makes sense to me that the true essence of who we are never actually dies. It is for this reason I do not fear death and I experience the loss of the people I love differently than most. I can still see them when they are gone, I can still feel them after they pass and I can still hear them when they are near.

I used to think there was something wrong with me because I didn’t react to death like others. When I was younger I pretended to be deeply mournful to fit in so I didn’t stand out as different. As I got older I allowed my differences to show and I was seen as cold or unfeeling. The deeper I dive into this subject the more I realize that there is nothing wrong with me or my view, in fact, I find it enlightening, empowering and exciting! It is a gift that I have to share with others who are trapped within the pain and suffering on the dark side of death.

Forever Together

I am never alone as long as I have you in my heart,
I know you are with me when I hear your laugh,
I feel your love and support with every beat of my heart,
I see you in my memories as I reflect on our time together, you bring a smile to my face,
I am touched by your presence in every breath that I take and,
I am one with you for as long as I live, now and forever.

I feel loss and sadness when I hear of someone passing and then my mind goes to celebration! Within my experience of death I choose to celebrate who they were while they were living among us and I let them know that they still matter. It is the only way I know how to be when it comes to dealing with the loss of loved ones, related and unrelated.

In my world I live among the living, both those who are physically here and those who are not. What I have come to understand is once I adjusted the way I relate, I am free to experience both without being stuck in despair, although I feel the loss I do so without long lasting pain and for this I am grateful. My heart is full of love from those who no longer walk this Earth but are still present in another form.

For those of you who feel stuck under the weight of losing loved ones I am happy to share my process with you so you too can enjoy the light side of death. Knowing that those who have passed are always with you, gives you the freedom to live without the burden of loss. When you are ready to be free reach out with this contact form. I am here to share this gift.

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